In September 2014, the Innovation Collaborative launched as a 501(c)(3) organization and held the first meeting of our Founding Board of Directors on December third. We are aligned under clear strategic priorities to facilitate the improvement of Erie’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.
Over the course of the year, the Innovation Collaborative has established a very efficient base of operations in order to maximize the the funding that comes in to directly support the mission. As we launch the Innovation Collaborative, we do so with the support of a community that recognizes the value of an Entrepreneurial Culture.
Below is our 2014-2015 Community Report. We look forward to continuing to engage the regional community both in the successful pursuit of our mission, and in constructive dialogue around our collective goals and aspirations.
If you’d like to participate in the Innovation Collaborative’s mission or learn more about our organization, feel free to contact us directly, sign up for our newsletter, attend our meetup events, and / or join a Work Team. We would love to have your contributions in directly completing tasks that will improve our Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and ultimately, our region’s economy.